Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Effective Employee Communication Software

Advantages of Business Internal Communication Software

Importance of Internal Communication

What would give your company the ‘power’ to generate more leads, deliver a better product, or provide services superior to those of your competitors? It's not a bigger budget or more resources; it's better, faster and quality communication that can be achieved with the use of internal business system development services. If we ask any organization how the communication among their employees happens, they will likely tell you “through email and weekly meetings.” It’s true. Most companies live and breathe by email and probably would admit they spend too much time in the conference rooms. They’ll probably also tell you their system works just fine and there is no reason to add complicated employee communications software to the existing mix. Before jumping to conclusions, let’s dig into what employee communications is and why it is crucial for the success of the company. One of the most popular definitions of employee communications is “communications and interactions among employees or members of an organization.” The larger the organization becomes, the more challenging these “interactions” can become. Growing companies often struggle to find the right digital communication solution for them to fit their organization. Below you can find the video explaining the strategic importance of internal communication and employee engagement:

  Employees expect some level of communication from their managers and they are more likely to succeed when they have convenient channels to communicate with each other. Their productivity level increases, feel more connected, and stay motivated when they know what is expected of them. Essentially, good corporate communication helps build a strong workforce community. It’s clear that we are more engaged than ever before with our technology, platforms and each other. And this has presented HR and internal communication professionals with the best opportunity to use these innovative digital tools to increase employee engagement. Savvy professionals are now using internal communication software to build the brand of their organization and improve recruitment, engagement and retention.

How communication can be measured

Forbes has suggested one of the ways companies can use to measure their internal communication:
  1. The less is usually the more

Sending too many emails means employees will ignore most of your messages. If you’re continually emailing FYIs, most messages turn into a steady stream of static. Panzano and her team at Bayer Corporation use an unusually interesting metric for gauging success: the number of emails they don’t send to employees. She cuts out the messages that don’t align with strategic priorities to ensure employees hear what matters most. At the end of a quarter when she views the emails that weren't sent, she sees it as a win that’s helped with message penetration. Also, eXo suggests:
  1. Employee performance and productivity

Happy and engaged employees work better. However, the productivity of an employee is influenced by such a variety of factors that quantifying this impact appears tough. An easy approach lies in the knowledge management. Indeed, knowledge workers spend a significant portion of their work time searching for required information. If your initiatives allow for a better flow of information, you can estimate how much time and money are saved. Let’s say that you have just changed the way customer success stories are stored and displayed on your intranet. Estimate the time it takes a salesperson to find a relevant case study before and after the change and translate that into time and money gains and savings.


Advantages of Internal Communication Software

Below we have provided the list of the key benefits of incorporating communication software for your employees and organization as a whole, presented by Axero:
  1. Increased productivity, improved efficiency, and delivered exceptional service to clients, as your business is equipped with communication digital tools of the future.
  1. Prevention of interrupted work flows, misinterpreted messages, and lost memos when you unite corporate communication in one easily-accessible virtual system space.
  1. Uniting individuals, teams, and departments regardless of physical location with virtual work spaces. From working on a marketing initiative to creating quarterly reports, customizable work stations create the perfect place for team members to stay organized.
  1. Distribution of informative, entertaining, and helpful content within your company
  1. Equip every department, from human resources to IT, with efficient, customizable work flow tools. Using the Case & Issue Tracker, departmental teams can adjust controls to fit specific needs, such as customer complaint resolution, technical error reporting, or project management.
  1. When collaboration is instant and project management is streamlined, your team is prepared to achieve business goals while encouraging company-wide harmony

Success Story

Below we introduce a case study of SnapComms, presenting a company enjoying the benefits of using the business system development services.

Towers Watson

Towers Watson is a leading global professional services company that helps organizations improve performance in the areas of benefits, talent management, rewards, and risk and capital management. The firm employs over 15,000 associates worldwide.

  Eli Fernández is the IT Service Management Lead for the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region, which has more than 5,000 employees spread across 16 countries. His team manages the resolution and internal communication of all service-impacting incidents and delivers IT service management for the areas of operational support and business systems architecture as well as outsourcing first-line service desk, on-site support and network services.

Towers Watson has been using SnapComms Desktop Alerts since August 2012, as a mechanism for updating staff about high-priority (priority 1) IT outages and notifications. Fernández explains that his team has a duty of care and a requirement to inform associates about service interruptions and he says that they “needed something that was flexible, easy to use, that could target the whole organization, parts of it or individuals.”

The severity of an IT outage at Towers Watson is classified into four levels of escalating priority, determined by the number of applications and sites affected as well as the potential impacts on revenue and reputation. The priority level attributed to an issue drives the process around resolving and communicating that situation.

The IT team has developed a set of branded IT outage notification templates for their desktop alerts, based on a simple traffic light system. Three of the templates are used for incident management — a new notification has a red theme, an update is gold and the closure of that issue is green. The fourth template is plum and is used to communicate upcoming work which might result in service interruption.

While Fernández says that what we do is common sense,” there is a culture within the team of setting high standards. They ensure there are no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors in their messages and use simple, jargon-free communications in English rather than trying to translate more technical information into local languages. This focus on simplicity, quality and consistency has made these visual tools highly effective in conveying the status of system outages to Towers Watson staff and third-party IT service providers in multiple locations and different time zones.


Good communication is paramount for any business to succeed. Whether it’s to communicate good news or bad, employees need to know what’s going on as quickly as possible. Employees who feel their companies are being honest with them, care about them, provide resources for them, and want to listen to them are going to be more engaged, motivated, and loyal. It’s to the organization’s benefit to have a communications strategy in place that really connects employees to each other and to the corporation as a whole. The first step in improving employee communications is to use communication channels that actually reach employees where they are, wherever they are. Meetings, email, intranets, and phone calls may reach some, but as we all know, there are many more communication channels we now use. Including texts, app push notifications, and social media into a communications strategy are some of the best ways you can connect with all of your employees. Would you want Blueninja.io help you with Business System Development? Give us a call anytime! The highly-qualified team of Blueninja.io provides an unforgettable experience for businesses and their clients through innovative digital solutions. Website design & Mobile Development, Web Application Development services, E-commerce web systems, SEO, Google Adwords and Social Media Marketing (SMM) are just a small part of a wide service portfolio, opening doors to enormous opportunities for your business success. Stay connected with Blueninja.io and be the first who will read our next article!  

With creativity in heart, with an idea in mind!


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